
English City精選各種著名英語教材,配合學生程度,融合英文時事及各種實用資訊,期望學生每一次上課,都會有一次收穫。學生可以依自己喜好挑選下列各種主題:

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2. 基礎英語

3. 生活美語

4. 商業英語

5. 新聞英語

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7. 專業英語 (托福 or 多益)

8. 特別企劃 (可依學生需求量身訂做)


上課教材依學生程度選用不同教材 (本班教材只提供本班學員使用, 請勿轉寄給非



Handouts Online: 線上英語講義 (提供不同等級與不同主題的教材, 內容生動

活潑又有趣. 很適合喜歡英語學習的學生。)  


World English: 引人入勝的主題式設計,搭配生動有趣的圖畫和影片,激發學習動機,



  ◎ 依據程度分冊,透過溝通法的學習方式,在真實世界中游刃有餘。
  ◎ 國家地理頻道公播版影片、學生用的光碟片,生動呈現課文的內容。


   English at Work: 本書針對職場英語需要之聽、說、讀、寫能力完整規劃。並針對實用




  其他 (可與老師討論選用其他教材.....) 

SIDE BY SIDE Third Edition


Side by Side series (1-4) Third Edition offers all-skills language practice in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and pronunciation for Beginners, Pre-Intermediate Level and above.

Key features:

1. Vocabulary Preview sections in every chapter introduce key words in a lively picture dictionary format.
2. How to Say It! Lessons highlight communication strategies such as complimenting, hesitating, and apologizing.
3. Pronunciation exercises provide models for practicing authentic pronunciation, stress, and intonation.
4. Journal writing activities invite students to relate lesson themes to their own lives and experiences.
5. Side by Side Gazette "magazine-style" pages offer feature articles, fact files, vocabulary expansion, cross-cultural topics through photos, authentic listening activities, e-mail exchanges, and humorous cartoons for role playing.
6. All-new illustrations are lively, light-hearted, and richly detailed to offer students language practice that is contextualized and fun.



Exploring English is a comprehensive, six level course for adult and young adult students of English. It teaches all four langauge skills--listening, speaking, reading, and writing--with emphasis on oral communication. The course combines a strong grammar base with in-depth coverage of language functions and life skills for Beginners, Pre-Intermediate Level and above.

Key features:

1. Communicative, student-centered activities enable students to engage in meaningful communication.
2. Abundant practice -- oral and written -- reinforces new concepts in guided and open-ended formats.
3. Grammar is presented and recycled in interesting and humorous contexts -- both readings and conversations, so that students experience how the language is really used.
4. Basic competencies are taught in context: asking directions, taking a bus, buying food, shopping for clothes, etc.
5. Ample opportunity for review is provided in each chapter, using all four language skills. In addition, every fourth chapter is a review chapter.
6. Student Books are fully illustrated with humorous four-color drawings (Books 1-4). Clear direction lines and headings make Student Books "transparent" to students and teachers alike.
7. Audiocassettes for each level include the dialogues, stories, and pronunciation exercises in the Student Books. A variety of voices, accompanied by appropriate sound effects, gives students opportunities to hear English spoken by native speakers.

INTERCHANGE - Third Edition


Interchange Third Edition (Book1-3) is a fully revised edition of New Interchange, the world's most successful series for adult and young-adult learners of North American English. This edition offers updated content in every unit, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills.It features contemporary topics and a strong focus on both accuracy and fluency. Its successful multi-skills syllabus integrates themes, grammar, functions, vocabulary, and pronunciation for Beginners to Intermediate levels.

Key features:

1. A proven multi-skills syllabus.
2. A focus on accuracy and fluency.
3. Contemporary, real-world topics.
4. Contemporary, real-world topics.
5. Natural, conversational language.
6. Grammar in communicative contexts.
7. Task-based listening activities.
8. An updated pronunciation syllabus .
9. Frequent learner-centered progress checks.
10. A new self-study listening section.



Can You Believe It? Series (1-3) teaches high-frequency idioms, two-word verbs, and fixed expressions in the context of remarkable, real-life tales from around the globe for Beginners to Intermediate levels.

Key features:

1. The series is designed for adults and young adults, and combines a holistic approach to reading with a thorough treatment of high-frequency idioms, phrasal verbs and fixed expressions.
2. Common and essential idioms are presented in engaging contexts that provide clear meaning and a natural use of new vocabulary. Idioms and expressions are systematically practised and recycled.
3. Hightly unusual, true-life stories from around the world immediately capture students' interest. The stories progress in length and difficulty throughout each book and the series.
4. Lively comic-style illustrations and tapes provide richly contextualized visual and aural reinforcement of content and idioms.
5. Ample opportunities for producing idioms in speaking and writing are provided through story retelling, thought-provoking personal questions, dialogue production and dictation.
6. Review units provide additional practice of form and meaning of idioms in enjoyable new contexts.
7. A complete Lexicon offers further information on collocations, grammar, synonyms and antonyms.

LET'S GO Student Book- Second Edition


Let's Go (1-6) is a series for children who are just beginning their study of English. It combines a carefully controlled, grammar-based syllabus with practical language. Functional dialogues, interactive games, and pair work activities foster a lively and motivating classroom environment.

Key features:

1. Let's Talk provides functional dialogue.
2. Let's Sing offers interactive song based on the dialogue.
3. Let's Learn is about a new grammatical structure.
4. Let's Learn Some More provides related grammatical structure.
5. Let's Move offers classroom commands and action verbs.
6. Let's Listen provides listening test and review.
7. Let's Review is a further review after every two units.



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